
Thursday, April 7, 2011

Morning Exercises

P.E. is a required home school subject.  In the past, I would count playing outside on scooters, trampoline and bikes as p.e.; however, now I require real exercise.  I have been seeing the benefits of building mental strength as well as physical.  It started as a discipline that has turned into a fun challenge.  Every morning now Justin gets up and runs  laps around the backyard.   Garrett and Morgan have been running track so I don't make them do as much at home.  Today Garrett decided he wanted to compete with Justin on his run because he is off for the rest of the week from track.  Justin did great!  He ran a steady pace and held his own.  Garrett is so competitive that he could barely stand the fact that Justin kept up!  I love the fact that they can now compete with each other like brothers should.  I think it gave Justin a lot of confidence that he could now run and keep up with his older brother.   He has played a big part in coaching Justin so he could get into shape.  Justin has never seen muscle tone in his body until now.   He is so proud that he is finally able to see his muscles! 
Garrett says Justin is a "BEAST!!!"

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