
Saturday, November 13, 2010

Two Years Ago Today...

Kevin and I with the Judge
November 2008
Two years ago today we stood in a courtroom in Ukraine and said yes to making Vladik Boyco our new son Justin Greer!  What a day that was to remember.  Justin wasn't allowed in court so we rushed back to the orphanage to tell him the news that he was now our son!

Hosting, summer 2007

October 2010

Justin has changed so much since we first met him through a hosting program back in 2007.  Not only has he changed physically but he has changed emotionally also.  I can't even believe all he has learned since he has been in America.  When we first hosted him he had never even been in a car.  He didn't  know that you had to wear a seat belt and that if the car was moving you shouldn't open the door!  Yes, he tried this many times.  Since he has been in America he has learned to speak English, read, write, spell, and integrate into a family.  He had never had a family previously because he was raised from birth in an orphanage.  Learning to be a member of a family was huge for him.  He had no idea what it meant to have parents and that they needed to be his authority.  He had always listened and looked to other kids for guidance.  He had never heard of Jesus before he was hosted.  He now knows Jesus as his Lord.  God has changed his heart and made it new!  It has been a very long and difficult journey but it has been very rewarding for all of us to witness.  God is doing a work in Justin.  Only God could bring him this far.  We sometimes get impatient with him in his progress because our expectations are high.  We think he should be where a normal eleven year old should be. I then have to go back to where he was only 3 and 1/2 years ago.  When I think back to where he was  I am humbled and amazed at all he has learned.  I know I couldn't learn all he has that quickly, especially in a new country!   I am sure God is going to do great and mighty things through Justin!  Our family will be forever changed because of this little boy who visited us from Ukraine!

1 comment:

  1. I love it!! What a beautiful picture of God's grace. It has been a joy to watch how Justin has just blossomed in your family during the past two years and has been encouraging to me as we walked a similar road!
